H2 chinese version to global version
i bought a H2 when i was in China as expatriate and as i came back to Europe i would like to change it in global version. Is it possible by downloading and installing the last firmware from your site in Europe ?
@olivier7821 Hi dear, Happy new year.
We currently have Chinese vesion for Chinese customers, and Global version for customers from overseas. You can't use Chinese version abroad because of the restrictions between countries. And since these two systems are completely different, so won't recommend you to switch between them to avoid the possible compatibility issues, booting issues and system crash.
We here are the service team for global version, may I ask where did you purchase it from? Would recommend you to contact the seller for more details.
Appreciate your understanding.
I have the Chinese version purchased from a European warehouse at Banggood, how is this possible?Can you put Google Play on it?
@nocomments Hi dear, thanks for your support, but Banggood is not our authorized reseller, we don't sell Chinese version abroad as it can't be used there. And really sorry to say you can't use Google play store.