Unable to Install or Uninstall Google Apps Ver: 1.3.4
Hi Ari,
I did checked online update couple of times but it shows message that my system does have latest firmware. Please guide on how to install latest firmware.
Also please help in uninstalling google play support which show as installed but have no option to uninstall. Same goes to play store as well.
I do not see any option in settings were i can see installed apps and uninstall it
@mahayajula Please contact me via Email, and tell me your S/N. service@xgimi.com
@Ari Thanks Ari.
I am sending mail now with details. Please do have a look.
@mahayajula checking
@Ari Hi Ari,
Any news on the requested subject. Please update
@mahayajula yes, I have replied your email on 6th Jan. please check.
@Ari Hi Ari,
Unfortunately i have not received any mail. I even checked in spam as well now.
Can you please resend once again
@mahayajula sure, already sent, please check.
@Ari Hi Ari,
Thanks for the mail. I have received now and i went through the link provided.
But nowhere i am able to see 1.5.3 version for H2 as adviced by you. The latest version downloadable is 1.33 for H2 global.
Please have a look and suggest.
Another point is if H2 version is 1.33, howcome i am having 1.3.4
@mahayajula Hi dear, really sorry for the mistake, I thought it's H1 projector. The latest version of H2 is 1.3.3 indeed. It's the some one as V1.3.4. our team just changed the name back then.
But for google series, sorry to say it's not supported on H2 yet, if you want to install more apps, please check from aptoide, and you can also install from USB disk if you got the apk file. Sorry again for the mistake.
@Ari March and still no google services. Because of this unable to install HBO. Very mad.
@kukomiguel Hi dear, good day.
As I've mentioned, google series are not supported due to the built-in software & hardware.
We have been working to optimize the current H2 system.